Just after our memorial walk (which NO ONE ended up showing up for *sigh*) We discovered we are...again...expecting a little one! It's taken me a good 3 months to wrap my head around it. LoL! I'm starting to really get excited though! Landon does NOT want to find out the sex, so we are Team Green this time around! I have mixed feelings about it, but I have my own gut feelings and intuitions ; ) Now if I can just find a few extra dollars to buy some diaper supplies. I'm about to be busy!
We took the boys to Disney for Christmas. They had a BLAST. I think the highlight of the trip for Luke was the Jedi Training Academy. Daniel liked the lights....I liked the food. LoL!

I cant figure out how to turn it, but this one is from before left...at our resort. We stayed at the Caribbean and it was GORGEOUS. It even smelt like Turks.

Daniel is now a Cars fanatic and Luke has always LOVED the movie! I have taken many a nap to Cars!

Luke becoming an official Padawan

Daniel was obsessed with these white birds the entire time we were there.
I'm not exactly posting things regarding this pregnancy on facebook thanks to the awful comments I got while pregnant with Daniel, but I think I'm safe here...

This one is from 7 weeks or so. It's time for a new one for sure. I just hit 13 weeks today. So far I've only gained 2 pounds. I suppose that is due to me still nursing Daniel cause I gained a BOAT LOAD with both the boys...And Vanessa was just insane.
Speaking of sweet Nessa, we had a GREAT time at the Hope and Hearts walk. No one else came but the boys and I had a wonderful time remembering her. We came in 3rd place as a team for raising money! We didnt get very many donations, but it was enough! I'm already in the works for fundraising NEXT years event. We were asked to join the core team (April is also pregnant) but with Landon trying to finish school and now me being pregnant I'm just not sure we can take on something like that. I'm thinking I would really to do it for the 2014 event though!

We met so many amazing women and families. It was such a great time! I'm really hoping we will be able to get more friends and family involved next year. Luke even competed in a kids memorial race. They all got little prizes, but their smiling faces told how much it meant to them. Luke said he was really glad he could do something for her...just by himself. He had a lot of fun! The walking/running course was GORGEOUS. Parts were in the woods, parts by a field. There were zip lines and camp sites. One part even went past a winding creek. I cant wait to see what April comes up with for next year!