Yesterday I started feeling congested and stuff again...nothing too bad, but it was there. Went to bed at about 7pm. I knew something was up when I slept almost all night. Got up feeling like that Mac Truck from December came back and flattened me all over again. I was rather looking forward to having a baby within the next week and a half, but it seriously would not work when I cant breath! Perhaps adrenalin works as a natural decongestant and will clear it the same time I've heard that labor will wait till a sinus infection clears up. I'm hoping the former is the true one. LoL! Please send prayers our way...that this goes away real soon, and also that Luke doesn't catch it again. Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake?
Oh gosh sorry you are sick! Pregnancy doesn't mix well w/ that. Hope you better soon
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