Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Lesson Learned

Wow, the weather is nuts.  Sleet, ice, wind, and some snowy "stuff."  It's crazy out there.  Of course there was no school today, but we had a little lesson here at the house.  It was entertaining and I really wish I had snapped a picture of it, but in my current state of bloat/joint pain we are doing good to get me to the bathroom.  LoL!

Luke spent the better part of the morning asking WHY.  Why cant mommy see in front of her?  Why is it so important that I keep my things picked up?  Why does mommy complain she's uncomfortable?  We tried to explain to him and he thought it was funny.  Yes, he laughed like he didnt believe us.  I was rather proud of my husband for what happened next.  Just as I was thinking, "If only there was a way to make him see...."  when Landon got up and disappeared to the bedroom.  He came back with a white t-shirt of his and then went to the basement, returning with a soccer ball.  I instantly seen where he was going and started kicking myself for not thinking of it months ago.  He had Luke put on the t-shirt, shoved the soccer ball in it at his belly, and tied it in the back so that the ball stayed in.  We then had Luke do simple things like find his feet, lay on the couch, walk through the house....normal things.  He found his feet by spreading his legs REALLY far apart, complained as he took 10 steps across the floor that he had NO idea what was in front of him, and then finally nearly cried in frustration when I told him he could ONLY lay on his side.  On your back will hurt both you and the baby, on your tummy will hurt your baby, and sitting with your knees to your chin is just cheating cause you moved the ball up.  He was complaining so much after an hour that Landon let him take it out.  He instantly, and VERY sincerely, promised to keep his toys picked up, never whine or dawdle when asked to get something on the floor for me, and swore to never ever make fun of mommy when she "walks" down the basement stairs again.

I'm so thankful to have such a creative husband.  I would have thought of this AFTER the fact and it wouldnt have had the same impact.  My brain just isnt working that fast right now.  It was so cute to see him try to do all those things with that soccer ball shoved in his shirt.  It would have been perfect for both his AND Daniel's scrapbooks, but perhaps I can get him to recreate it for me tomorrow so I can get pictures :)  MAYBE....if he's not to traumatized after today.  LoL!


Holly said...

That is such a good idea! Way to go Landon!

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