Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's official

I have bronchitis.  At almost 29 weeks pregnant.

I had chronic bronchitis as a kid (cigarette smoke allergy) and it was NEVER this bed.  Wow.  No sleep, feels like there's an elephant on my chest...ugh.  I called Luke's pediatrician since he's still hacking around and they said not to's more than likely on it's way out.  I was thankful cause I didnt take him to the doctor.  Talk about feeling like the worst mother ever, but I honestly never thought it was bronchitis.  The nurse said his was more than likely just a virus (like I thought) and I had caught that from him...with me being pregnant it pretty much turned straight into this crap.  Lovely.

I also have a family member I would like to bring to your attention...for prayer.  She has Endometriosis and has a really hard time carrying babies.  They have had numerous miscarriages, and normally keep them quite, but I just got word that she has lost another little one.  She has two little girls and is an amazing mother...she's so great with her girls.  I know they really want another...which only makes this that much harder.  I guess the next step they are taking is a fertility specialist.  Please keep this family in your prayers.  I hate to see someone hurt like this...especially such great people and parents.


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